...could fill dialog balloons like this:

Wha...? Clearly Winsor McCay was a master draftsman. And certainly the wonder of his comics is in the art, not the writing. But even though the the content of the dialog is inconsequential, still it seems he would have taken care with its visual presentation, yes? Perhaps the blight of his word balloons serves a purpose -- making the art all the more astounding by contrast?? Naw, there's no defense. They stink.
Anyway, it's not that he couldn't do lettering well. After all, he had a career as a poster designer for a while. And his title panels show exquisite lettering. So... to celebrate the fact that McCay COULD do excellent lettering when he put his mind to it, I've put together a collection - just a mere handful - of his gorgeous and varied title panels... Enjoy!

...but look at what the bubbles looked like on illustrations and cartoons prior to his work, particularly editorial and caricature. I like the bubbles and they do contrast well with the accuracy of the surroundings, the messyness of of a childs speech maybe?...besides after lavishing so much time on the images it's understandable that the bubbles were perhaps the job too far. The last thing to do and they betray maybe something of the urgency of deadline...
A beautiful collection of titles. As for the speech bubbles, their casualness suits the dialogue, and anyway I've always loved the cramped sloppiness of them and their contrast to the precision of everything around them. Maybe it's just nice to imagine McCay loosening his collar at the end of all that amazing perspective work.
I always loved the bubbles, they were like little disjointed puffs of reality, and the cramped and laconic dialogue fit there perfectly. Reading Little Nemo titles was a clinic in imaginative lettering.
mccay was an artistic genius, melding perspective, seemingly psychedelic-inspired imagination and clean lined artistry. nemo is one of my favorite comic strips of all time.
great collection of title panels. thanks for spreading the word!
this post is fantastic! congratulations.
Not everyone is good at everything. Some people excel amazing at some things and then are not that great at others. We all have our talents and are flaws. We just play to our strengths as much as we can.
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