Chef Jim LaPerriere prepared Welsh Rarebit for a full room. And woah-ho-ho-nelly... was it good...

The McCay Party held for the younger set included crafts...

...and cookie decorating.
(Here's what happens when you let kids loose with frosting)

Children's book author/illustrator Aaron Zenz took everyone on wild adventures with Little Nemo and his friends.

Then all the kids were invited to create one last dream for Little Nemo to explore:

That's one CRAZY dream!

Later in the day, cartoonist Kevin Collier guided a full house through a great comic class.

And the evening held one of the events we'd been dreaming of for years: the dedication of a marker honoring Winsor McCay in his hometown of Spring Lake.
A crowd begins gathering for the unveiling and dedication...

Greeting were given by Mark Miller, chairman of the Winsor McCay Memorial Committee and the Spring Lake Historic Conservation Commission.

Some thoughts were shared by animation expert and historian, Ray Pointer.

Kevin Collier reads a letter from Winsor Robert McCay, the great-grandson of Winsor McCay.

Some of the kids in attendance were invited to help with unveiling...


Here's a view of the backside of the marker, while Michigan Historical Commission member Tom Trescott gives some concluding remarks.

All in all, one great day! Stop by to see McCay's new marker... And give thought to McCay Day 2010!
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